4 Year Olds Preschool Program

Our Pre-K 4 year olds program facilitates group participation and individual expression creating confident and independent students.

Children work on literacy, math, science, and art concepts. Monthly themes are integrated with letters of the alphabet and various activities to create a dynamic atmosphere for learning.

Teachers work to increase each child’s vocabulary and fluency by encouraging conversation about experiences, description of play, and expression of ideas. Using a combination of words and pictures, during daily routines such as circle and story time, bolster communication skills.

Gross motor development is infused into daily activities and could include fun activities such as yoga, throwing and catching balls, singing action songs, skipping, hopping and more. Children have access to an indoor gym that has a climbing wall, swings, tunnels, barrels and jumping equipment. Gross motor skills lay the foundation for good fine motor skills as well as give the body the organization needed for attention and participation.

The development of the small muscles in the hand are often overlooked, but so important for writing and performing other everyday tasks. Fine motor skills can be developed by art activities, such as drawing, painting, cutting, or pasting. We also infuse manipulatives into everyday themes including pegboards, puzzles, threading and lacing cards, rubber band boards, sensory bins, spray bottles or playing with play-dough.

Handwriting without Tears ® is our handwriting program as it teaches the correct formation of letters in a logical sequence using song, manipulatives, a fun mascot named “Mat Man”, and practice in workbooks. This balance between learning and play, with a focus on strength, balance and flexibility couldn’t be more important as we prepare our 4s for kindergarten and a lifetime of learning.